Notice with regards to my candidacy


My Pith

My intention to stand as a candidate in the Colchester Council Elections on May 5th  was based on a serious message delivered with a tongue in cheek approach and an anarchic twist.

The majority of Councillors that I have engaged have been good sports and come across very well. I always think that when you come across as human instead of a ‘manifesto’ machine you become more likeable.

To think that actually ‘Ed Ball’s’ and ‘Ed Miliband’ come across so much better now, than they did during the election.

This is because they are relaxed and natural.

However, this was meant to be fun for me and it is with regret and because of various circumstances, I am not going to turn in my nomination papers.



Let me explain.

I have contacted various attractions, pubs, clubs and venues about holding an event for with high jinx and putting across the message.

All places contacted have all politely come back to me (as it there right) to say that they do not wish to be seen endorsing any party and wish to remain non-partisan.

You have to respect that and quite frankly it is the right thing to do.

However, one of the places that I contacted was ‘First Site’, who told me they have no affiliation to any party and wish to remain neutral. They are not hosting any political events.

Several days later the Labour Party host the manifesto launch at First Site.

This was frustrating for many reasons, mainly because of the contradictory nature of ‘First Site’ and the lack of explanation.

I cannot really be angry at the Labour Party as they wanted the best venue available and they made use of it. There is no evidence of exclusivity requested or that this was actually planned, or I was banned, however it happened.


Twitter Egg

As frustrated as I was, there was no preparing for what happened next. Over the next few hours my DM was littered with abuse from ‘alleged’ Labour Party Supporters (disguised as friendless eggs)  describing acts of physical and quite bizarre sexual violence against me with a hint of interspecies erotica for good measure.

I took a screenshot of those DM tweets as undecided as to whether or not to contact the Police, however they are not suitable for public viewing.


I am Loco, Cholo!


For an hour, I was all about this. However resisted any response

Upon reflection this actually did not bother me too much, as quite used to the abuse from working for many years in the City of London. However it did play a part in my decision.


Local Media

So what played the biggest part of my decision was not being able to obtain any engagement from the local Newspapers and Radio concerning the Party. They do not have to do anything, as it is their prerogative, their readers will only ever be interested in the main parties anyway.

A lone idiot in a Pith helmet running around Colchester with Jelly & Custard in his pants is hardly worthy of a headline, but think a manifesto is.

“I sometimes felt like I was screaming into the wind” 

The absence of a returned phone call, email or tweet had me feeling that a lot of energy was input from my side without any output. This sealed my decision as it no longer was fun anymore but frustrating.




I had an epiphany. Just like Archimedes leapt from that soapy bath there is a way forward.

Only together can all the ‘lone wolves’ do what is right for Colchester. Inspired by what happened in Clacton and the show of support from like-minded souls from Twitter, blogs, friends, business partners and colleagues we can still make a change.

We need to rise our heads above the parapet and as a collective all join together for the good of Colchester, and be the conscience of our great town and its beautiful potential.

I have reached the Rubicon of acceptance for the Status Quo 

WG In The Meantime2

My role is simple, I will continue to blog and challenge the appalling legacy of disabled facilities and attractions in this town. I will hold accountable every minutiae of every manifesto pledge from the winning party.

However, let us be honest it will finish exactly the same as last time, with Labour gaining seats from Liberal Democrats and Greens taking seats from Labour. The Conservatives will remain more or less the same. Thus the coalition retains. (God help us)

Maybe the Colchester Residents Association Party could be a rising force in 2018?


For me, my work in the charitable field and with the most vulnerable in society is just beggining and the start of a wonderful fulfilling journey.

I will see you Cowboys and Cowgirls on the trail, and urge you to say hi….





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  3. Sue Lissimore · · Reply

    I’m sorry you’re not standing. It’s always good to get as many engaged as possible. Good luck – I’ve had many a cruel, vindictive and possibly illegal comments made against me and it’s not nice. However it also means you’ve hit a nerve so I wouldn’t give up.


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